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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

muet makin hampir

kalao dikira-kira, buang masa tido, masa mndi,buang masa, baca mesej mesej, layan peminat di fb dan sebagainya, hhanya tinggal seminnguu sahaja. walaupun pep hmpir dekat, tetapi aku masih buat bodo sahaja.. adakah aku ini dah pandai bi ea. lainlah si fara tue, dia memang dah pro da dalam bi nie. time spm dulu, dia dgn ekma jer kot yang dapat a1 dalam bahasa inggeris..

oke, nab jangan mals, ada sorang kawan aku nie pesa, jangan asyik layan layan dunia ict niyh.. kalao dipikr-pikir memang ada benarnya apa yang dia katakan, ak setiap hari pastia akan layan mende2 nie. tapi  aku memang terharu sangat apabila ada sorang kawan kau pesan begitu kat aku. thanz ssssssooo muccchhhh !!!!!!!!!!!

oke, kepada saper2 yang baca aku punyer belog nie, doakan kejaayaan dalapm pep muet aku ea.. nak dapat band3 atleast laa.. ta mahu laa dapat band2 lagiiiee.. wuawawawa~~~~~~~~~~~

lagi sorang, si zulaikha pun, aku doakan moga kita sesama cemerlang dalam peperiksan muet nie ea.. jawab elok-elok.. even kita tak sama pusat ujian, tapi kita boleh mesej2 kan.. hehehe.. =))

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011

:. nawaitu .:

niat awal tahun iaitu :

mahu membina satu belog untuk batch sendiri..

harap2 anda semua bersabar ea... hehe

wpun lambat asalkan selamt..


Saat Anda membwa Al-Quran, setan biasa2 saja. Saat Anda mmbukanya, setan mulai curiga. Saat Anda membacany, ia gelisah. Saat Anda memahaminy, ia kejang2. Saat Anda mengamalkn Al-Qur'an dlm kehidupan sehari-hari. ia stroke. Teruskn mmbaca & mgamalknny agar setan trus stroke . Ketika anda ingin menyebarkn pesanan ini, setan pun mencegahny. Setan kta "jgn SEBARKAN, krn ia xpenting lgsg !" ~~SEBARKAN LAH~~

Thursday, March 17, 2011

:. Write the Introduction and Conclusion .:


The introduction should be designed to attract the reader's attention and give her an idea of the essay's focus.

Begin with an attention grabber.

The attention grabber you use is up to you, but here are some ideas:

Startling information

This information must be true and verifiable, and it doesn't need to be totally new to your readers. It could simply be a pertinent fact that explicitly illustrates the point you wish to make.

If you use a piece of startling information, follow it with a sentence or two of elaboration.


An anecdote is a story that illustrates a point.

Be sure your anecdote is short, to the point, and relevant to your topic. This can be a very effective opener for your essay, but use it carefully.


An appropriate dialogue does not have to identify the speakers, but the reader must understand the point you are trying to convey. Use only two or three exchanges between speakers to make your point.

Follow dialogue with a sentence or two of elaboration.

Summary Information

A few sentences explaining your topic in general terms can lead the reader gently to your thesis. Each sentence should become gradually more specific, until you reach your thesis.

If the attention grabber was only a sentence or two, add one or two more sentences that will lead the reader from your opening to your thesis statement.

Finish the paragraph with your thesis statement.



The conclusion brings closure to the reader, summing up your points or providing a final perspective on your topic.

All the conclusion needs is three or four strong sentences which do not need to follow any set formula. Simply review the main points (being careful not to restate them exactly) or briefly describe your feelings about the topic. Even an anecdote can end your essay in a useful way.

:. cara- cara memperbaiki bahasa inggerisI.:

Simple Ways to Improve Your English

This is what most people would advise: read. Read anything and everything in English. You can read story books, newspapers, magazines, blogs, comics, English textbooks, instructions and ingredients on food packages, advertisements, etc. For story books, don’t force yourself to read something too difficult or something you know you won’t enjoy. Make reading fun! Read books that you ENJOY reading. I hate to read books that bore me too.

Watch English movies with subtitles. This would be my favourite way of learning English. Not only do I get to have a fun time watching the movie, I’d be learning new words at the same time and knowing how to pronounce them! Usually, you can get movies with English subtitles on DVDs.

Listen to English songs. Read the lyrics as you listen to the songs. Listen to your favourite songs and sing along to them.

Start a blog in English. This is one way for you to practice your writing. Blog on something that you love. If you are a fan of movies, start a blog and write about your favourite movies, your favourite characters, what you think could be improved in the movie, what new movies to expect next year, etc. Besides blogging, try joining online forums, engage in online chatting and more.

If you don’t want to maintain a blog, why not write to a pen pal? It’d be even more fun to have a pen pal from a different country! I used to write to other people from the US, Germany, Mexico, and even Yugoslavia. I remember feeling excited when I see letters with foreign stamps on it in my mailbox. If you don’t want to spend too much money on stamps, then get a local pen pal.

Write in your diary/journal in English. This is where you can write anything in it. But if you do write something you wouldn’t want others to read, make sure you hide it somewhere safe! Or try not to write anything offensive at all in case someone does find it. You can also write about neutral stuff like the places you went that day, what you ate, who you met, what you did, etc.

Be best friends with a good English dictionary. You can use Oxford, Collins, Cambridge, etc. Buy a dictionary that you’re comfortable with and USE it at all times. Keep it next to you when you’re reading. I always put my favourite Oxford dictionary by my side when I’m reading. So when I stumble upon a word I don’t know, I don’t have to get up and look around for it. It’s right there by my side. Thus, I have no excuse for not looking the word up!

Speak the language whenever you can. Speak it with friends and family. You can also sing along to English songs! Try karaoke! Don’t be shy to try speaking the language. Don’t be afraid that others will tease you. In fact, they’ll admire you for your courage and confidence.

Learn a new word a day. Keep your own vocabulary notebook and write a new word and its meaning in it every day. Refer to it as often as possible so that the new words will stick in your head.

You can also learn new phrases, idioms or proverbs a day. A kick in the teeth, sit on the fence, make a clean sweep, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, a man’s home is his castle, etc. When you come across a saying that you like, write it down and its meaning in your notebook!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

lawak jenaka untuk korang ..

Some computer terms translated to BM,

Don’t you think that computer terminology in Bahasa Malaysia is really weird?

Cakera Keras = Hard Disk

Tetikus = Mouse

Papan Kunci = Keyboard

CD-ROM = Cakera Padat Ingatan Melalui Pembacaan (CP-IMP) – Isn’t that bit too much to ingat? Try pronouncing that without twisting your tongue or pausing to think. IMPs?

Monitor = What’s the term for this? KETUA DARJAH?

Modem = Could it be called “PEMPEND” <– PEModulasi, PENDemodulasi?

Motherboard = “Papan Ibu” probably? Maybe the best motherboards can be awarded the “Papan Ibu Mithali” then?

Sound Card = Kad Bunyi?

Sound Blaster = Peletup Bunyi?

Pipeline Burst Cache = Duite Garisan Paip Meletup?

Local Bus = Bas Tempatan? Sounds good to me.

VESA Local Bus = Bas Tempatan VESA?

Flatbed = Katil leper? OR Katil Rumah Pangsa (Flat)?

WWW = Sarang labah-labah Selebar Dunia (SSD)? Sounds quite convincing to me.

Then what would you call daughterboards? Papan anak perempuan? That sounds a little kinky for me ) What about SIMMs and DIMMs and such…?

*laf* wonder what would you call ink jets then Pancutan Dakwat???

What about “Plug and Play [tm]“? Hmmm..Plug and play….Cucuk dan Main??? Somehow I think not.

Joystick = Batang Gembira or Batang Ria?? Damn obscene man!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

nabila huda gedebuumm !!!!!

1.. 2.. 3...EDEBUUUUMMM!!!!!

okeys!! rilex semua.. 

Salam semua..eh!! (aku ader pembca ke??) tak kesah la.. buat2 ader aje laa..sudah lama aku xcoret-coret disini. Sbenarnya, aku lebih suka sekodeng blog orang lain,, saper ajer2 laa.. so siap la para blogger.. blog and saya akan sekodeng ..hehe

barau-baru ini, ada sorang kawan saya hendak bantu saya untuk buat header.. so bila dia kata akan buatkan.. apa lagi,, terguling-guling laa saya di lantai ..macam budak baru dapat aiskrim cornetto ttue laa...seronok sakan. xsabr rasanya nak ade header yang cantik2.. semuanya terserah pada dia llaa...

okey sekarang musim sekolahhh.. sebaai kakak yang baik hati, saya  ditugskan untuk menjadi "guru tuisyen" kepada saya.. okey tidak saya jadi cikgu.. percaya tak ?? percya aje laa... oke, nanti saya sambung...

Friday, March 4, 2011

:.Lose weight, stay active: .:

tadi say telah membaca satu artikel ini. ia mngisah kan bagaimana cara untuk seseorang itu jadi kurus.. woww!! bila aku nampak, terus laju jer aku kelik ke laman web tersebut.. nak la tahu juga cmne nak kurus kan.. sejak cuti sekolah ini, aku lihat berat badan makin meningkat.. oh takut3!!!

ok, kat sini ak nak share dengan korang some tips apa yang telah aku baca tadi..









okey la korng , setakat ini sahaja yang aku ingat.. nanti kalau ada sambutan, aku kan sambung pada entry seterusnya ...

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