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Thursday, April 23, 2009

bowink dorh..!!!~ain~

urm..today,im tried wore my "tudung labuh"..yelah..lan6 t i should wear it in 24hrs..huhu..so hot , u knows!!im so *rimas*..but maybe it permulaan..lama-kelamaan,mybe ok..menurut fazalie,'alah bisa tegal biasa' katakan..by him- u're from x-islamics studen,so u can do it!! i replied-i noelaa..but sometimes i felt so menjengkelkan..cam ad xbetul jew..n blablabla...but tthank you..gave me some the best advices..

lonely..lonely..lonely.....im so lonely at home ...mum n dad were going manjung coz have some problem needed to solve there..maybe kowt..all of my sibs were going to bed ...huhu..so all the time im just watching the tv ...BOWINK!!! im want to go there too..but..??

urm..sometimes i felt really2 regret what i had done on 3/4 days ago..notthing to change..its same jugak..better i didnt do it...IM SO REGRET!! i should think it many time before i do it..but its ok..then,maybe i didnt messaging or anythings lahhh...moreover,its that u want me to do,rite!!
aghhh!!!i should think another things than this "budus " problem..im so misses three guys today...i'm really want to meet them..fist guys-,mayb i'll meet in june at mc'D in long school holiday tuh..secong guys -u're study so far..how we can to meet,rite.. len laa u gave "duit tambang" i go -back to indonesia..when u back home you here,we meet ok!! and third guy lak-uh!! icant meet u ..why ya,,i dont noe..


Silhouette gurl said...

tgk ko pk gak pasal laki kn...
dlm idup ni xde laki xleh idup seyh...begitu gak ngn laki xde gurl xleh idup...so sume 2 fitrah k'hidupan k...ko kne accept..bkn ak nk ckp arr opah ko penah cter mak ko m'ngandungkn ko tyme 2 die kt maktab....so ko tgk kn k'jayaan mak ko...alhamdulillah die b'jaya...so ko pk2 arrr....gud luck dlm idup....n kte doakn ko b'jaya dgn bidang yg akn ko tmpuh..n 1 lagi jgn ckp ur prob 2 prob yg "budus"...ko tau xde org yg xde mslh dlm dunia ni...so just trime arrr...

Unknown said...

haha..u wrong!!really3 wrong!!

i boleh jew idup without a man in my life..so xsemestinya xda man xleh idup,rite..sal itu,thats my mum,xda kne mgene ngan i, okesh!!braa kai mahu gtaw arr.i dont want to marry ok!!i really2 hate it...

farah hanie said...

ya ampun chenab.
ko da sah2 pki tdung lbuh tyme skola.
p mslh nye nk pki tduh lbuh ps ney.
plek ah ko.
elak kn "blog war".

Unknown said...

u rite fara..
ak da lamer xpakai da...

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