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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Collge Rules !!

There is a teacher speaking in front of a group of boy college freshmen about the college rules.  The teacher starts talking about the dorm rooms.  "If you get caught in a girls dorm room after nine o'clock, you will get a fifty dollar fine.  If you get caught twice, you get a hundred dollar fine.  If you get caught three times, you get a two hundred-fifty dollar fine and suspension for a week at the least."  So a boy raises his hand and asks, "How much for a yearly pass?"                   
A wealthy Chicago businessman goes to Vegas and loses all but three dollars. He comes out of the casino and waves a taxi over.  How much is a ride to the airport?" The driver replies that it is $5. "Come on I only have $3, but I'll pay you $10 when I get home by mailing you a check."" said the man. "No way" replies the Driver and throws him out of the car.                    
                      (Thanks Tae)                   

1 comment:

cerita best said...

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