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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Barangan dr China......Thanz, friends!!... ;))




AND YOU, DONT BE JEALOUS...(tak boleh bgthu di sini siapa dia..)

video video

cubaan pertama .. yeahh!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

kau cakap senang, tapi ko xpenh kesah perasaan aku kan.??

kenapa nab?? ko sdng bengg dengan spe ha??

ader laa...kowang pun kenal..?? sangat geram..:((

eh!! ap kena mngena dialog dengan blog nie..yea,honestly, sedng bengg dengan somebody nie.hari dengan selamba jer dia cakap cmnie..

nab, geng baru ke..???

ak hnya senyap sahaja..malas nk membalas..

bayangkan jika mereka tanya kenapa dia tanya soalan begitu, what shud i answer..

ak faham kenapa kau cakap cam tue.tapi seolah-olah ko xbagi ak peluang nk berbaik-baik dengan mereka.ko asyik back up awek ko jer. yela, pergila .. i never care.. tak kan la aku xleh berjalan dengan meka ...walaupun ak dah berbaik dengan mereka, ak akn tetap rapat dengan classmate ko tue..

u dont have to worry bout that okey, mr.****.!!

sometimes i fell suck with his message.. u now, i nearly feel want to cry taw when i tink bout thiss...


P/s: spe mngenali siapa yng i maksudkan, jgn bagitahu beliau okeh..termasuk kau, fickry

Thursday, August 26, 2010

happy dating~

Having trouble figuring out your guy’s level of interest in you? Sometimes, the proof is in his body language. To understand what your honey’s movement, eye contact and even posture reveal about his true feelings for you, check out these hints from Greg Hartley, former Army Special Forces interrogator and author of I Can Read You Like a Book: How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language.

Five signs your date is into you…

1. He closes the distance

“First and foremost, moving in closer indicates a desire for more intimate contact,” Hartley says. So if a guy you’re talking to at a party inches a little closer as you talk, or your date slides into the same side of the booth as you, you know he wants to get to know you better — and not as a friend.

2. He speaks softly

When a man talks in a quieter voice, it’s an excellent sign, Hartley explains. “He’s indicating that what he’s saying is for your ears only,” he says. “If he’s telling you something private or secret, it’s a good thing — guys don’t do that to women they’re not into.” If you want to let that soft-talker know you feel the same way, respond in kind, which should quickly turn those sparks into an all-out fire. Caveat: If you’re in a loud club or restaurant where you have to shout to be heard, you can’t tell anything by his decibel level. So wait until you’re walking or driving home to see whether he’s turned the volume down.

3. He rounds his posture

Hypermasculine body language (think: swaggering walk, standing tall with shoulders back and chin up, etc.) serves to attract women from a distance. But when a guy is talking close-up with a woman he likes, he will soften, or “round” his body language, Hartley notes. If your guy’s squared shoulders cave in when he’s chatting with you, he’s indicating that he feels comfortable and secure in your presence.
4. He talks slowwwly

Like birds in a mating dance, men typically talk more slowly and softly when they are attracted to someone, Hartley explains. Of course, if he knocked back a few gigante lattes on a first date, he may be too wired (and nervous) to sound like Barry White, but give it time: if his speech starts to make you feel sleepy, he’s a goner.

5. He can’t take his eyes off you (in a good way)

So his eyes are locked on yours? As long as it isn’t a psycho stare, but rather a lingering, heavy-lidded, “Wow, you’re amazing” gaze, that guy is digging you big-time, Harley says.

…and 5 signs your date isn’t into you

1. He’s four feet away

If his motto may as well be The Police’s “Don’t Stand So Close to Me”, he’s not feelin’ you romantically, Hartley says. How do you define such a distance? “If he remains four feet or more away from you, it is a clear signal that his heart’s not in it,” says Hartley.

2. He stands at an oblique angle facing you

“Most men do not realize that when talking to another man, we stand at oblique angles, with one shoulder facing the other’s face, yet when we talk to women — especially ones we’re interested in romantically — we stand face-to-face with them,” Hartley says. If your guy’s shoulder is pointing in the direction of your face during conversation, he’s subconsciously showing disinterest or is trying to turn you off, Hartley explains.

3. He sounds like that guy in accounting

If your date is talking to you like you’re someone at the office — meaning, the pace is quick and the level of his voice is rather strong — “he’s probably just trying to keep it on a friendship level,” Hartley says. With time, you might notice a change — after all, he just might want to keep it “professional” on the first date or two while he gets to know you — but if it remains this way after a few dates, cut your losses.

4. He stares at your mouth

When a guy focuses on your lips, what he’s really trying to do is avoid eye contact, Hartley explains. “If he’s avoiding eye contact, you can pretty safely assume he’s not into you,” he asserts. If your date fixes his gaze below your face, he’s probably interested in you, but perhaps not for a long-term relationship, if you know what we mean…

5. He’s out of sync with your body language

When a guy is romantically interested in you, he will mimic your body language, so if he doesn’t copy you gesture for gesture, odds are he isn’t smitten, Hartley says. To test the waters, try leaning in closer to your date, using your hands to emphasize what you’re saying. If your guy does the same, it’s a great sign. But if he keeps his hands still, pulls away or takes a step backwards, he may be unavailable or just plain not interested.

Friday, August 20, 2010

first week was over la..;)

tok..tok..tok...rendang tok kembali lagi..
hah! per benda ku repek kepek nie..urm..masuk minggu nie dah masuk beberapa minggu ak xconteng-comteng kat belog tersayang nie..kenapa??? coz minggu nie ak hadapi satu iexam yng mat besar thap gaban kot! iaitu peperiksaan besar punyer..atau lebih dikenali "minggu pecah kepala sampai terburai ".hahak..tiap kali exdam memang la kami bagi gelaran tue..entah la..tak tahu la di tempat lain gelar dia sebagai ap..maybe minggu peperiksaan @exam weeks..(skema laa pulak)..
soalan pertama orang akan tanya ..

sebelum exam orang akan tanya...

exam masuk aper weii...???

ader soalan bocor tak..??

selepas exam orang akan tanya...

cmne jwab tadie,boleh or x..??

soalan susah laa..ader soalan ak xboleh jwab..??

persoalan bergini sering  ditanya dimana-mana sahaja tiap kli tiba musim peperiksaan ...ad pulak kawan aku yang cakap.."dia xdapat duduk bertanya pada orang koz dia ngn kau jauh sngt.."
ada la satu alkisah kawan aku nie..kebiasaannya, dia akan duduk sebelh kwan baiknya apabila musim exam tetapi kali ini,dia terpaksa dudk jauh..so dia xdapat la menjalankan "aktiviti wajib"..hehehe..ak dengan selamba kater la.. cian kau,xper melatih diri before pepriksan besr lagi gempak.. ak lak,tiap kali exam,mesti jadi baik.xda cikgu,mula kedengaran orng panggill..ak xla pandai sangat tapi ak memang suka membantu orng ...ak kan baik..pasan jap!sekarang ak sedang tak study..kengkwan aku mesti study punyer kan.so nie laa keja aku..

                                                            meja study.. sungguh kemas..

                                           aik!! cmne boleh berada dini..majik!!!!!! aladdin la...;)
                                                                   saya mahu teddy itu..

okes!! saya benti di sini..bye..:)

Monday, August 16, 2010



Sebelum ku memulakan sesi ulangkaji ku, i have something to write here..
tentang siput sedut!!!!! Mybe ader sesaper penah makan or mendengra tentang nie..
Bila tiba bulan Ramadhan, sudh pastinya Siput Sedut menjadi juadah wajib ketika berbuka..
Tiap kali ke bazar Ramadhan, Siput Sedut lah akn barangn wajib di beli...


siput sedut..

memang ak bukanlah sorang yang suka makan makanna nie, rasa lawak tiap kali ahli family ku memahkannya.. bayangkanlah... nak menyedut nya ibarat stu kepayahan... Ada yang berjaya ada yang tak...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

demam makin terasa...~~

erm..wanna seems me haven't ber-blogging.i hvn't any idea to tink and to write here kot.mengikut pengiraan hijrah,nearly 2purnama im not write here.ceih,sejk bila nab pndai b-analogi nie.
okey la,oleh sebb saya sudh sesat di sini saya mhu cerita segala yng sudah berlaku.papepon mulakan dengan bismillah.......

pertamanya,syukur ke hadrt illahi persahabatn saya dengan kwan2 saya makin baik.so far, so ok.even kita xseramah dahulu,tapi nab bersyukur laa..terimak kasih juga nab ucapkan pada kengkwan yg bnyak bagi nasihat dan macm2 la...zaki,yusof dan nabilah..kalau mereka baca nie,tentu mereka berguling2 r senyum sampai telinga kot..terma kasih laa kat kowang..banyak bagi nsihat dan idea bernas..

kedua,selamat pulang ke mlaysia kepada afiqah dan fikri..xsangka ea korang dah balik sini.pejam celik,pejam celik korng da smpai sini.mcm xpercaya jer kowang dh smpai sini..series ku memang xpercaya..dan xpercaya petang tadi ak bersembang dengan fikri..sembang degan kau,fikri singga ak lupa tany tentang setem yang am minta tue..terima kasih daun keladi kepada u all juga ats perberian souvenir..i'll keep it as well as possible..tentu korang be proud klo korang bce nie,and mula ah jadi pasan jap.kan3!! KWN2 lain,dont be jeles,ea.hehehhehehe..terutma kau,zaki=)

ketiga,lupa pulak nk citer tentang salihah n meon..kepada sesiapa yng xtahu,mai la nab citer dri mula okesh..mula2,mereka dri uitm arau nk pulang ke sini dgn mnaiki kereta yang dipandu oleh meon(ameerul fizree)..bila tiba di sg.dua,penangkereta mereka terbabas singga langgr divider and masuk ke jlan sebelah.so,meon tercampak keluar,manakala saliha pula tersepit dalam keta tersebut.so,bomba terpaksa la memotong kete tersebut utk mngeluarkan salihah.kemudian,mereka dikejarkan ke hospital kepala batas.tetapi salihah telah di"trnsfer" kan ke hospital taiping.menurut kwan2 yang telah melwat dia,salihah mengalami pendarahan di otak(ad drh beku) n jagkitan kuman dlam paru2(mgkin kerana ad mknn tersekat kot..),mnakala meon pula hanya pendarahan di kepada shja.mereka telah koma selama bberapa hari..tetapi,meon telah sedr setelah seminggu koma,manakala slihah tidak.so,dokt terpksa buat lubang di lehern sbg bantuan pernafasan dia..nie shaja yang nab dengar dri kwan2 yng telah melawat dia di hospitl..so sesiapa yng kenal salihah ,mrilah kita smaa2 doa agr dia cepat sembuh dn kembli seperti biasa..no kemungkinan,ok!!

keempat,minggu depn nab i;ll facing up a big exam that is trial stpm.enta laa,,makin dekat dengan exam,makin malas belajar,makin bnyak maslah..mcm dah ikut turn pulak..selepas masalah nie,mslah nie dtang..nab,u must be strong..STRONG GURL..s ur mum,okesh!!

ok,papai semua,..bye3~
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