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check in sini dulu
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
the holiday will finishing..
nk 5A's Principal..erm..my dreaming is wanna going study in overseas like Ireland. or ngara yang 4musim senang crta..ak nk rasa pengalaman berada belaja di ngara lain..keadaan musim dngara orang lain n others..moga cita ku tercapai..ameen....!!!
moga tahun baru ini menjanjikan satu kejutan yang tak terhingga bagiku..im promise myself will stdying very hard to achieve what i want ....anyone,prayer for my success ,OK!!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Reunion 5SN1 '08~~~~
Thursday, December 17, 2009
panggilan dari negara asing..=)
ku berasa pelik dr siapa no. ini..bila ku check dlam diari ..ku tahu no.tue dri China..ini bermakna kwan ku dari sana yang telah menelefon sebentar tadi..sama ada Afiqah atau Fikri..ku fikir afie kerna xkan fikri tang call ak..tetapi sangkaan ku sngat meleset..rupanya fikri yang call..
erm..nmpk nye t laa ku sambung gie cerita nya...zaijian..=)
do you want to know that the calling's from Fikri..because when i pick up the phone, i heard a voice from a mann..i quickly guess who's he..?? really damn 'terkezut" that its not Afiqah..But, i cant heard his voive clearly, so i could him just sending text to me..he dont! after i Maghrib prayer, i runn of into my room n i saw onto phone screen i got one misscall..so i guess ..from who..i called back later..he wanna my email la...owh,that nite, i messaging with him..unexpectedly, he's study in the same Afiqah's class.easy to say, he' classmates with Afiqah....Thankz to u guys because had given some some Cina's word..i want some more.......hehe~~~~.
Good Luck to U guys..This Friday(25/12) they'll faced up an examination..Bitaufiq Wannajah!!
naseb baek tjumpa satu...
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
for a long holiday..
we're now having a long holiday for a month..but its not meant no school,no study and no books laa..we're should stdy too expecialy exam candidater on next year like upsr,pmr,spm and stdy..
awal muharam nh.we wiill having a reunion of ex-5sn1 08 students..
damn xsabar2 to wait taht day..
miss my frienddsssssssssssssssssss....so much....
but the answer here..
HOPpefully the majlis berjalan dgan baik..
Saturday, November 21, 2009
lost friendss...
tapi bagaimana kawn yang sntiasa yang slau mndatang masalah pada kita..itu knela kita berbincang dgan dia..
kepada shabatku...
tidak kira dmne anda berada,ak mnta maaf sngat2..
kepada MZH..
ak tahu ak bnyak wat slah pada kau...
ak bukan xnk perkara yang sebenar pada kau tapi.....
ku rasa ianya tidak bgitu pntg kepada mu untuk mu tahu..
pasal pgwas n borng asrama itu..
bkan ak berniat nk mnipu...
tapi bg ku ianya xpenting untuk mu tahu..
kalau sudah kau membuat keptsan utk tidak mempercayai lagi stp kata-kataku..
ak nk wat cmner..
jadi ku membuat keptsan ..
better ak xperlu msg@berhubung dagan kau lagi..
buat kita message @ hubung, jika kau xkn percaya ap yng ku katakan..
dan semalam..
kenapa kau msih mengungkit peristiwa yang telah berlalu..
ak taw ak mngaku bersalah..
tpe,ak telh mmnta maaf kan drpad kau..
fyi,ak memang xegat lansg pasal itu da..
bila,kenapa,bagaimana n sbgainya..
memang ak xegat da...
ak nh bukanlah seorang yang suka mengungkit pkr lalu..
bnyak perkare agi yang ku hrs pikirkan drpd terus perkare2 ini..
bagi ku ,ianya ku anggap seperti "RUBBISH"
k laa MZH..ak dah wat kptsan,
drpd kita berkwan better kita xperlu jd kawan kau da...
satu jer permntaan ak 4 u, jgn lah mngungkit kisah2 yang mnyakitkan itu lagi..
s0me wishes 4 u..
~may God bless u owess..
~tahnz for everitin..
~thanz for willing being my friendss..
~i'll try to delete your name from my mind,ok!!
~lasty,goodluck 4 STPM 2010..
*s/n=inilah hati daripada aku ntuk seorang teman..ak xtahu knpa dia mash ingin mngungkit kisah lama itu..ak mhon segala slh silap harap dimaafkan..
bout form6..
I found out from the teachers that this batch (2009/2010) was used to try out the suitability of the semester-based system to be implemented in schools in the future. Unfortunately for us, our exams are still not semester-based. Staying back till 4pm means we, Lower Six students will not have a chance to participate in the extra-curricular activities as all the club and uniformed body meetings are held after 1pm. What about our co-curriculum marks? We were told that 10% of the overall criteria to enter local universities is from our involvement in co-curricular activities. Before this new system was implemented, we all could go for our co-curricular activities. With the new system in place, we are forced to stay back and could not involve ourself in such activities as the timing will clash with us as most activities are held after school. While co-curricular activities make up 10% of our total STPM grades, I strongly believe there must be other alternatives. I don’t think a person who has four distinctions, but without any co-curricular achievements will be selected to enter a local university. So, why should we stay until 4 o’clock when the things we are doing now will not contribute any marks to our STPM?The new system is a complete waste of time. The new system requires students to stay back after school until 4pm for activities. But the activities organised by the school to keep students until 4pm is not a good idea. The extra time that we are required to put in school is used for nonsensical activities such as making posters, doing sketches, preparing for presentations and proposals and doing research and development (R&D). Besides this, some activities are really of no use to us. For example, during cocuriculum, we even told to prepare food, play on the field under the hot sun from 2.40pm-4pm and planning how to decorate the school. I do not see the teaching and learning value here as these activities are a waste of time! In addition, some students hate it so much that they decided to skip school altogether.
I understand that this system is a part of the Education Ministry’s initiative in boosting the level of confidence and enhancing communicative ability among school students while doing presentation. But please be rational and reasonable. Ministry need to take cognizance that we are humans too. All of us need more time to study and staying back till 4pm is just too much on our plates. The moment we reach home, most of us will be dead tired. By the time we get home, we will be exhausted because we have been in school since 7.30am. Many of us would be too tired after coming back from school and just hop on to the bed into dreamland even if they wish to study. Furthermore, not to forget the amount of assignments given by our teachers and we have to complete everything on time. By then we would be too tired to study. Preparing for presentations and projects requires a lot of our attention and time, so we will struggle to cope with our studies. Our main priority is still our studies! Without time to revise, how are we supposed to live our dreams of attaining a 4.0 score? But forcing us to stay back after school will deprive us of the chance to revise our lessons. An ample amount of time is needed for us to carry out constant revision. However with the time constraints, there is certainly no time for us to study at home! Even if we do have the time, we would suffer from fatigue. The ministry fails to see the light that whatever they are doing is in fact making our lives even more miserable, stressful and very depressing. Will this result in good achievement in the STPM exams? Definitely NO!!!
Many parents decided to send their children to Form Six as it is the cheapest route to universities. But now not any more. We have to fork out our own money for our lunch expenses. By right, if the Education Ministry wants to carry this out, they should at least think about giving lunch allowances to us. Now, parents will need to fork out additional expenses for their child’s lunch. Not everyone is well-to-do. In these times where money does not come easy, forking out extra money will be a burden to them as the overall house expenditure would have increased as well. Another woe is that we are only given an hour for our lunch break before we begin our presentation; it is impossible for students to head home to have a home-cooked meal, take a bath and have a short break and then rush back to school before 2 o’clock. Most of us will not be able to eat at home as we are not living nearby. Therefore, students are left with no other alternatives but to patronise nearby mamak stalls for their lunch. Needless to say, food sold at mamak stalls can be unhealthy and unhygienic. And since the mamak stalls usually serves oily and non-nutritious food, the students are not benefiting at all as it make us feel lethargic. With the lack of nutritious food, how are we to maintain a healthy body to study hard and achieve good result in STPM?
On the other hand, transportation is a major problem for most of us. Our parents are not free to send us home. Left with no other immediate solutions in sight, we have to rely on public transport like buses. Taking the school bus at odd hours costs extra as it is inconvenient for the drivers. Some of us are not living nearby and thus, walking back home will be out of the question and too dangerous for us students considering the disturbingly high number of snatch theft cases across the country. It is undeniable that life in the sixth form can be pretty daunting and challenging.
Not only are the students disatisfied with this new system, the teachers are unhappy. They could not express their feeling as they could risk losing their jobs. Almost every teacher I have spoken to, too, do not agree with this new system.They feel that the time spent in school is way too long! Forget about the students, even the teachers are grumbling! Teachers and students alike are exhausted by the end of the day.So, how do we expect teachers to perform their best when they are tired? Needless to say, students too have a hard time concentrating in the hot and stuffy afternoon classes. It is not fair for the teachers who teach the Form Six classes for they have to stay back for longer hours compared to their other colleagues. Wake up! The new system brings nothing but stress and red tape.
I acknowledged that some authorities would advice us to quit form six if we despise or hate the system. However, as far as I concerned, we are totally not being informed about this 4pm-stay-back system until a few week after we enrolled. We are the victims and we got no other better options than form six but as a student, we have the right to protect our right and express our feeling. So, we need to change. There is no point “testing” as the Malaysian education system is not a playground or lab where future leaders were “tested” with new policies. We as the students are not “guinea pigs”. If we were to continue to “test” policies on our children, our education system will be seen as a joke in the international arena. Last but not least, I only hope next year we can revert back to the old system where everyone can go home like normal or 1pm. I sincerely hope you will help us. Thank you.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
sonok sngta arinie...
fist ly,thank to techer krna telah bwa kita semua ke Rumah Anak Yatim Darul Hikmah,Gopeng.
penghuni nyer ader sramai 40 orang...dari kecil sinnga besar..
macam akt kami wat disana..
ader yang mngemas laa..
ad yg mngemop laa..
ad yang mnyapu laa..
ad yang mncuci laa..
ad yang mnanam pokok laa..
senang crita .
bermacam2 aktiviti laa kami buat disana..
dah kata akt kebajikan..
kena wat secara ikhalas kan..
kaw x..xdopat pahala..heeh
kami kat sner kira-kira ampir tiga jam kot..
then,kmi bersiap-siap ke ipoh parade..
memang xsbara2 da nk g sner..
memang target pertama nk ke pusat bowlin..samapi terbyang2 kedalam mimpi tau..
nk maen bowlin..
kat sne memang quite busy..
smpai sner jer,tru cari surau.
takut solat zohor terlepas laa...
then r g pusat..
memang sangat gegiler ak diwatnyer ktka di pusat bowlin tue..lawak+lucu+gumbira n bermacam2 laa..ak maen smpai berbnyak kali..xkira daa turn spe..yang pntg ku dpt men..hehe
dlm pusat tue,kami kira2 2 jam her..then ru g shoppin.
bab shoppin,xkan aku xknai akn diriku..
ak kan seoran SHOPPAHOLIC..
sure laa gegiler shoppin..jalan saner and ke sini..
macm2 ku beli..bersama miela,bella,and norzie
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
keboringa. yang melampaui parasku...
lecther2 tmpat ku study masing2 sebok mnyiapkan markah final kami..
kami di kelas..
xda stdy laa..
jus doing own akt jew..
tido,bca novel,mjalah n others..
ak pon..
dah lamer xon blog nh,,
makin lelamer boring pada sumer nh..
kmi(pgwasa) akn ke rumah kbjikan ank yatim ..
g epoh parade..
maen bowlin..
moga akt esk akn bjalan lancar..
kr bye3..
Friday, November 6, 2009
happy 18th bufday
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
happy birthday.
ku telah buat satu kejutan pada kawanku ini sempna ulang tahun kelahirannya hari ini..mu telah tua e-kin..ku masih muda..ku pakat dgan zue, ku akan bawa kek mnkala zue lak beli present..
pada kawan2,sorry xgtaw u oll secara ksluruhan..ini satu SURPRISE..
nextime,i'll told u,wokesh..papepon,thanks for your responding..
pada ekin,we're all done it sincerely ok..!!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
kuah durian.....
Thursday, October 22, 2009
pelik tapi benar.???
-skol ak wat touernament..kuliah kami menang ..dapat no.3..ak tida' pandai maen pon..hehehhehhe
Monday, October 19, 2009
jgan memikirkan perkara yang silam...
but ku really enthusiasm to write in blog now..
ku terbce satu artikel mktivasi ini dan ku rasa ia sngat peng dalam hidupku..
kita tidak boleh mrmikirkan kisah yang silam kerna ibrata kita telah membakar diri kita ke dalam api yang sedang marak..
ini bermksud sekiranya kita memikrkan kisah silam,sudah pasti kita akn terlalu akn memikirkan dan mengis..ini seperti kita membuang waktu ke arh itu laa..
artikel kedua yang ku baca,jka kita pikir tntang kisah silam,ini mernsang kita mnjadi yang tidak tenang seperti bercelaru,gelisah dan sebagainya..
okesh,smpai di sini dulu..
papepon be positive in your own way everyday..
jagn selau pikir keburukan owang lain..kerana orng akn pikir kebrkan kita juga
dont be give up and dont be always bertagguh ...
Thursday, October 15, 2009
kasut baru..
t. qisyandrabella..sorry what had happened y..
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
perjanjian sudah bermulaa...
nobody need to care ye!
we had promised each other that we will not involving in coupling ini untill our stpm's examination was end..so we had agreed it..
bila2 dipir-pikirkan semula,its the best way..btw,we also need to concern our study 100%..
unike during SPM exam,we just wat bodo2 jew..hahah..cam dah pandai jew..
erm..adakah aku boleh lakukan ekk.. im feel boleh la coz i nh tidak meminati benda2 nh..
xda siapa pun yg ingin pun..(hehe..)
zai n e-kin mybe fine..dont know laa if kami diuji perjanjian kami tue..
zue..im not sure bout this..but she had promised herself that dia pon tidak kapel2 nh daa singga abeh paper terakhir nh da..
bagi kami,kami tidak hendak ini semua berlaku ktka zmn persekolahan ..better ketika di alam universiti nantie..hehehehe.. skerang ini,hendak corcern 200% pada std ...
masuk uni t,baru hndak pikr ini semua..hehe..(ader ke owang nk kapel ngan kiter ekk..??)
ini cerita pasl lantikan pgwas lak...
(5/10/2009) - Hari yang sgt bhgia dalam idup ku..kenaper ye..??kerana aku dilantk sbg pagawas @mawas sekolah laa...firstly xsngka gak.yg palen tak kusangka,yusop pon terpilih gak..kerna pada hari kiteorang kena interbew ritu,dy kena abes-abesn psycho dgn ckg kaunselor itu..macm2 soalan dia kena tya..tapi dy berjaya gak lepasi..tahniah kepada dia ye..kelas ku yang terpilih hanya amri,dayah,bila hamid,salwa,zai..n yang len tue ak xengat sngtalaa..btw,tahniah juga pada korang ekk...erm..kenapa zki xdatang hari ini ekk..zaki33..
kalau boleh,ak xnak laa farez yang terpilh jadi pgwas ,biarlaa zaki..tapi zaki pon xnk jd pgwas,dia nk jd librarian sajer..ak pon law boleh nk jadi librarian gak tapie dah dapat jadi pgwas nie...so,terpksa lpekanlah niat ku itu..chan and mek pon odw terpilih..tapie meka kane interbew dulu..laaa,meka konpem dapatlaa..ak doakan for korang ekk..
k laa ,ak nk wat keja laen laa sekrang ini..esok ad test pp2 laa..c u..
perjanjian sudah bermulaa...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
kata-kata memang mudah dilafazkan oleh seorang insan yang bernama LELAKI..
tetapi sukar untuk melaksanakan..
lebih baik tidak perlu luahkan..
LELAKI..hanya pndai "menjual air liur sahaja"
kepada seorang insan yang bernama
Sunday, September 27, 2009
was coming backk....
so,the student will packing to prepare back their institution..
xkesahlaa.,whre's place u're studying sama ada schools,colleges,universities and others....u will back soo..
BUT,its not happend on me..
because im not staying in hostel yet,just sty at home..maybe 1years more,i'll stdy far away from my hometown that need me stay in hostel
@ apartment as u soo..
esok is Monday.im not in perak now but in penang because company my mum here..
homework still not finishing..so lazzyyyyyyy plus dizzzzyyyy...
my planin 4 esok are wnt fasting..i dont now either i will do nor no..
klaa i want do something work..daaa
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
konvoi ghayer+kenyang+penat=??
9.00pg, kumpul umah amar..breakfast jap at umah die..then ru stat vacation kami..before our starting bkonvoi raya,had happened one incident..atirah telah tlanggar kereta faiz.mybe dia xperasan ketika reverse tue.so,kemek laa pintu keta emak faizz.setelah selesai disccused,we departed from umah amar to t-rex house.
then,aina's house, and some more our frends house we had visited..penatttt
12.00tghari,g umah zai..nh gara2 xnk g umah ckgu kuddus laa nh..bgus kan kmi??
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
yeay3!!poser is getting over..
# got a new baju to wear
# having a pair of bew shoes..
# a shock baby..
# can eat all of daaayyyyyyyyy...
# can collect "duet rayer"
# so much laaa...
= poser is getting over..
= can't solat terawikh daa..
= xleh kumpui paler bbnyak daa..hehe..
= having a final exam for two weeks after
= balek class at 4.00pm semula.
= alot of hw back.
= :D:D
by the way, may we will meet again in the next Ramadan..
Happy Eid!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
susah buka shells nh..
boleh diibaratkan lah kehidupan kue ini..
aku xtaw knapa setia ak msti mengingatinya..
ak sudah cuba supaya melenyapkannya daripada terus mngingatinya tetapi ku gagal..
ak harus cuba melupakannya juga.
ak xtaw setiap kali ak mngingtinya,ak pasti akan terbyang peristiwa yg terjadi antra aku dan dia.adkh ini bermkna ak s***** padannya..jika soalan itu dtuju,mgkin ak jawab ya..ak tidak harus terus menipu diri ku sendiri dngan mnyatakan ,NO!! ak sedar,mgkin dia skg berasa bhgia dismping orang yang tersayang..tetapi aku terus mnderita dengan perasaan yang tidak tahu bila akn hilangnya..hanya yang ak harapkan,suatu keaijaiban yang tidak dapat disangka oleh sesiapa akn berlaku..biarlah suatu perbhn itu berlaku mgikut masa..
kepada kwn2 baek..mgkin antra korang sudh tu tentang ini..mgkin dhdpan ak sentiasa bermuka ceria..tetapi di dalam hati ini,hnya tuhan yang tahu..
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
ghayer bakal mnjelnag...
Monday, August 31, 2009
MERDEKA!! ini bmkna cuti pon abess..
thats right!!.
seperti tidak percaya cuti sekola sudh berakhir..
pergi sekola semula..
pkai baju puteh sekola..
kain merah..
tudung sekola..
skarf itam..
kasut itam..
stokin itam..
and ..
buku sekola,,
begs sekola,,
yang pasti..
esok sure penat gegiler..
arap2 xlaa..
p/s: assignment xsiap g nie..
nota lum update g=(
kertas PA2 HILANG!!!!!!!
cmner nie..??
what should i doing now..??
Sunday, August 30, 2009
afie dah fly ke china..
dapt g china..
belajar kos bhs mndarin..
under KPM..
dpat jumpa org muka2 ..
merh tembam kat sner..
balek t..
leh jadi guru mndrin..
selamat pergi..
hati2 naek flight ekk..
erm..t sure..
windu kamu..
ouf friendship is never die..N FOREVER..=)
Saturday, August 29, 2009
why me..??
why i tertba crying front dad..
don noe y..
stiil tertya-tanya..
yang laen..
da menyibuk..
syik tya solan xpatut..
in conclusion,
i noe y..
i will be like that when anyone angry to me..
i'm emo..
i'm sensitive...
i xgedix..
i x childish..
xsuke semua nh..
hate all of thiss..
Thursday, August 27, 2009
baju baru..
"terima kasih ibu".
perkataan itu sahaja yang ku ungkapkan kepada ibu.baju balus labuh itu sungguh cantik.bercorak ungu dan kehitaman.ditambah pula dengan baju inner nyer..cuma ibuku tidak sempat membeli seluar jean panjang putih sahaja.baju nh akan kupakai ketika hari raya ke-2 atau ketika menziar

hatiku berkata,"aku akan berusaha bersungguh-sungguh untuk mendapatan keputusan STPM 5A's dan menjejak kaki ke menara gading jugaa..2011 sasaranku..akan kupastikan ketika tahun itu aku sudah berada di menara gading juga.. insyaallah!!along boleh lakukan..bukan kerana baju itu tetap untuk aku sendiri.adakah ak tidak mahu melihat kegembiraan kedua-dua ibubapaku kerana kejayaan ku.??jagn woory,ayah dan ibu..along akan cuba sedaya mungkin untuk capaikan impian tersebut..ibu selalu berpesan,allah tidak akan memberi sekiranya seseorang itu idak meminta pertolongan kepadanya..Along pasti allah tidak akn sia-siakan kepada orang yang sentiasa berusaha .Allah sentiasa memberi pertolongan kepada kita.INSYAALLAH"
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
adek kecik pon da pandai poser daa..
Friday, August 14, 2009
kucenku da sehat..!!!!
ak baru jew baek dari demam yang menyrang ku selama 3 hari..kira ok la ak xdjangkiti h1n1..lau x,ak menmbahkan korban serta mnyusahkan kerajaan KKM sajer..sekarang nh jumlah telah bertambah dan menjadi 56 orang..takot aku dengarinya..paling sedeh,ader pulak tue bayi 2bulan menggal dunia gara-gara wabak ini..sedih keluarga dia..tapi nak wat cmner ..da ajl dia..sambung semula 2 my stori,.ak mula demam pada hari ahad lepas..xtaw la kenapa badanku panas-panas.maybe berjangkit dengan acik.dah xlarat hendak bangun,ak pun dengan senang hati membalut diriku denagn comforter.satu hari la ak xbangun..hehe..malam tue lak,ayah bawa ku ke hospital,ak memng dah taw jawapan dokt tue..sure dia akan kata"adik,kenapa badan adik xpanas pun?"..so denagn baik hati ak jawablaa"petang tadi saya sudah makan ubatlaa.."
dokt tue treat macam hendak xnak..lepas dia bagi ubat so i pulang..bila ak keluar from the bilik rawatan,i see my view is been blur.dad tiada d sekeliling...so ak jalan2 la sorang ke tempat parkir..nearly sejam ak tggu dad..wupernyer,dad g makan dgan addiku kat restaurant dpan hospital tue..uih!!tut arr bjanggut tggu..esok nyer k xlarat nak mai skola..but arieselasa datang//sajer.......but arie rabu,demam datang balek,so ak xmaila sampai arie kamis...yang besh nyer,hari kamis tue ak dah pergi jalan2 ke UPSI even in demam..itulak alkisah ku sepanjang hari demamku.............TAMAT!!!!!!!!!!!!.................:)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
alohai zaki.....dia minat pada hang laa...
y u so egoistic,ha!!!
can u b open minded guys...
erm xnak kutuk2 ang kat snie..fasting la katakan..but ak plek n really hate dengan sikap ang tuh..boleh x ang kurang kan sifat keegoaan mu..bout u and aun tuh..i xnakla masuk campur but what i was heard from them..u cant accepted what thay said to u..sebenarnya,u jagan salh sangka..
aun jus cakap pada am(azimah..)
"am,ko minat pada zaki ekk..xperlaa jika ang minat pada dy..but dy tuh sorang mudah cakap lepas..but bila ang masge dy..dy tuh agk romantik laa..."..itulaa ap yang ak paham n ingat..
ak xtaw la aper AM smpaikan semula pada ang shingga kan ang kta mulut laser..
engkau terlalu egoistic..
kita pon xsuka kalau orang cakap kburukan kita pada orang laen..
sometimes,kita kena terima..
n perbetulkan apa keburukan kita itu..
maybe ag xnak orang yang minat ang tuh tahu kelemahan ang kot...
pada AM.ak tertanya-tanya..
"kenapa ang gtaw semula pada zaki apa yang aun gtaw pada ang tuh..?"
"ap motif ang sebenarnya ??"
futsal is meant to me...
its for oly lower pra-U and upper pra-U..
its the first time in my life i played it but its damn meaningful..
i played it two days ago in my school(in front wit pra-U class).witch my buddies..
we had divided some team n my team was named "MU" (or known as Machested United)..
i xlaa pandai main futsal..
mula2 cam penat..maner x penat,sepak2 xmasuk goal.aduyaiiii...
just sepakk+sepak=GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!.
tahnz Siti Aisya for your kicking caused our team menang..1st winner..
then i,aun,fadzil,yuni,anum was back home through by Changkat Lada road..
the main reason y v ikut jalan saner because want to go "Pekan Ahad"..
and ain want to find out where is rumah C-D (nickname for syidi or "abang chik") located..
alohai..cian ainn ..xjumpa umah syidi..(dont b cdeyh,ok!!nexttime kita cari lagi) ..
kul3.15 petang,ain halim was called me..she minta i temani dy g jumpa bf dy..
Thursday, July 30, 2009
thankful to God
because of him..
i can finish my "puasa" today
-Thankful to God..
because of him..
i can done my paper exam easily..
-Thankful to God..
without of you..
i'm sure i'll not alive like today...
Monday, July 27, 2009
da ader sowang xcukup2 g kah..???
ak taw la ko nh PLAYBOY...
kenapa la with this my friendrealise pless!!u have a girlfriend now!...jagala elok-elok..no need to find another girlfriend,okesh!!.
dah pulak tue, nk berkenalan dengan kawan kem aku.form4.(budak kecix).musfirah namanya.
sayangnya,dia sudah ada bf la amre..law x sudah lame aku rekeman kepada kau.untuk pengetahuan engklau ,dia ada la sikit2 seiras dengan ex-gf(mira) ko..series wei..
BUT!she's very beautiful than your ex-gfff....
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
pengalaman yang sangat menyeronokkan..
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
macam sangka..hehe
ad ak kesah..
hahha...jadi jahat jap.blek kuliah teros nmpak smtin..hahahha..law kowang
Saturday, July 11, 2009
kemalasan semakin meyelubungi diriku..
perasaan sedemikian semakin ke paras kritikal..tolong akue..entah kenaper ak jdi begini..Ya allah,tolong akue..sesungguhnya beberapa hari lagi i'll faced up an examintion yg akan menentukan ku nanti..ibu bapa ku sering kali mengingatkan ku agar tidak malas mengulang kaji pelajaran tetapi ak hanya buat endah tak endah sahaja nasihat mereka....mula-mula ak begitu bersemangat sekali but entah kenapa perasaan cmtuh makin membuak-buak..ak xnk perasaan like that menjadi-jadi..i must help myself to success..ak jeless ngan zaki tuh..entah ilmu ap dy pakai every exam dy pasti dapat result better than me..IM B JELESS WITH U,ZAKI..!!..even ia masih awal lagi bagi pelajar PRA-U tetapi ia amat penting sekali bagi mengukur tahap kefahaman kami dalam setiap subject yang telah diajar oleh pensyarah kami..
kepada kawan-kawanku..tolong akue.,,
Friday, July 3, 2009
eppy besdei...
name penohnyer muhammad zulhairie b. abd rahim.
ak kenai mser kat mdid dulu....xcilapla laa..dy nyer besdei..3/7/2009 nh..
ap akue nk n xnak..??
solan palen palen pandai ..
moga ter-capai..ameen...
Thursday, July 2, 2009
dOnt b' worries,okesh..!!
rahsia mu, rahsia ku juga..!!
(hehe..cm ader pape jer..)
we're never to try m"bocor"kan ur secrets to our pwenz..
include to your gf,ziela k..
i promise u..
trust us,wokesh!
erm..naper ak cakap cmtuh ekk..tdi amre@atta telah m"story"kan kpada i n fadzilah bout what happened to him on 4month ago..because of that,he never got any permission to going out from her parents especially his dad and then he t"paksa" stayin in da hostel@jail... just selepas masuk tgkatan6 nh bawu dapat keluar..ceritanya bermula..his friends menagajak dia keluar malam ke teluk intan.amre xtaw ap tujuan sebenarnya apa.. dy just follow la..wupernyer tujuan kwan dia nk g ti coz nk b"lumba haram"..smpei kat sner,ramai da mnunggula..BUT..malang xberbau..tertiba ad roadblock polis la pulak ..so per gie! amre n the gangs telah dibwa ke balai polis laa..ermm nh pertama kali ata naek trak poliss..sampei kat balai polis kg.gajah,meka kena tochure dri pgawai polis tuh..erm..taw x ap jadiks kat dier bila bapa dia datang..cian..when bapa dia datang,ata dapat satu tamparan hebat drie bapa dia..PANG!!jadi merah pipi kiri dia..as pengajaran jew..len kali,nk kuar malam gtaw kat bapa dulu..nh x,kuar tnpa kbnran..balek umah kna tochure agie dr sume ahli family dier..
Monday, June 29, 2009
mu pegi..ku sepi..
g further std..
fisli,ummi..dy g matrx phang..
salbiah pula g mtrx perak..
awer g uitm arau,perlis(jauh tuuuuuuu!!!)..
ain&anis lak bkal g poli.sabak bernam..kos PA nh..but meka nh masok awal nexyear lol..
yg tggal hyallah me,iemah,n ekma..but v're not std in the same class(kuliah laa)..
huhu.papepon,our PWENShIP iS neVer Die, wokesh!!
gudlak kat kowang sumer..
ader maser,ghajen2 lah dirie contact me ,wokesh!!..
im waiting uUUU!!!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
knape dyer tya soalan cmtuh eyh..!!??
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
ak nyanyie???
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
suka suki aku d USM!!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
perjalanan ke penang..
Monday, June 1, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
xtaw nk ckap pe..
opahku kawen lagie wit sowg ng frm teluk intan..nmanye MUHAMMAD SHAHSUDDIN..atok yg sportin.pent wei..even kami guna khidmat katerin but their cra kerja is so lambat plus kura2,,pkerja perempuan ramai but guy worker so sket..jus only dua owang..so sbgai ayng baik kami pon tolgla mereka angkat menu.sonok gak..leh belajar even agak kekok ..
have a techers day at jalils skol,,kekok gk wat pmbacaan sajal tdi..u noe,ak memang tkjut campur badak bila nmaku disebut ..ak lihat listname tuh ak d kedua terakhir but kak ans xgtaw ak yg ak akan wat persmbahn pas dak2 f1 tuh..urm..lambat laa g stage tuh..kekok plus neves ktka on da stage tuh..
pas abeh skol,kna ready for perkahwinan PM.."SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU FOR MRS. MAHIRAN BT IDRIS N MR.BAKRI..so jagan lpe mai parit t on 30/5 nh..hope kakal singga akhir hayat..ameen!!
thanz kepada sumer kgkawan for coming..awer,fara,ain,iemah,ezzati,anis,fadzil,aun,zaki,amre,fazalie,akram,faiz, n so on..
total semua is 19 pple..